NON GRATA PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL was since 1999 under name Art Non Grata and 2005 it changed name to DIVERSE UNIVERSE.


PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL started in Estonia annually since 2005. Since then, this nomadic festival has been traveling through the East-South-West and North Europe, uniting hundreds of artists from all-across the World.

The Festival is sharing high quality Performance Art and Live Art with audiences from all over Europe in different cities.

Festival activities promote cultural fluidity through exchange of ideas, concerns and cultural perspectives.

The scale and duration of Diverse Universe allows for a deep and meaningful interdisciplinary cross-fertilization between artists from different nationalities that pushes the boundaries of contemporary performance art practice, and in turn excites audiences with new work that is affective, thought-provoking and responsive to our current times.

Diverse Universe WORLD MAP 2005-2014

Click on map to enlarge

Trajectory 2005 - 2014 •••••••••✗//////


Logo Diverse Universe


© 2014 Diverse Universe • all editions on Performance.ee
photo credits : Non Grata • website : Lan Tchapat

✗✗✗ HISTORY ✗✗✗

Art of Invisibles

✗✗✗ ENGLISH ✗✗✗

Around the name NON GRATA there have been different hushes and shushes for a long time. Already from the point of view of death of conventionalization of art it has embodied the horrible and unwanted disembodiment of human person, from which the meaninglessness of nowadays art, is pouring out.
For those, whose world of arts starts from the point, where the art world ends, NON GRATA has been a liberator, the orphic gap in the seemingly unalterable course, which however betrays us, it is a cure from incest. The main point of the group is ethical - it is the image of primitivism, impersonality and experimental creativity.
The performances of the group take place according to the logic of avoiding codes. The presentations are physical texts, whose ways of orthography and reading are kept within limits of real actions by the groupmembers. Aesthetical and provocative challenges are represented in places, where the Art World doesn't work.

✗✗✗ ESPAÑOL ✗✗✗

Acerca del nombre NON GRATA, se han producido distintas reacciones a lo largo del tiempo. Ya a partir del punto de vista de la muerte de la convencionalización del arte, NON GRATA ha encarnado la indeseable y horrenda despersonificación de la persona humana, de donde brota el sinsentido del arte de hoy.
Para aquellos cuyo mundo del arte comienza donde el mundo del arte convencional termina, NON GRATA ha sido una liberación, el espacio órfico en la ruta aparentemente inalterable, que sin embargo nos traiciona, es la sanación del incesto. La principal finalidad del grupo es de caracter ético – es la imagen del primitivismo, lo impersonal, y la creatividad experimental.
Las performances se llevan a cabo de acuerdo con la lógica de evitar códigos. Las presentaciones son textos físicos, cuyas formas de ortografía y la lectura se mantienen dentro de los límites de las acciones reales de los miembros del grupo. Retos estéticos y provocadores desafios están representados en lugares, donde el mundo del arte no funciona.

✗✗✗ FRANÇAIS ✗✗✗

Autour du nom du collectif NON GRATA pendant longtemps des tabous et des interrogations. Déjà du point de vue de la mort du conventionnalisme de l'art, incarner dans l'absurdité de l'art contemporain, l'écrasante désincarnation subie aux personnes humaines.
Pour ceux, dont le monde de l'art commence à sa fin, NON GRATA est un théâtre libérateur - écart orphique dans un cadre supposé inaltérable - toutefois il nous trahit ; remède contre l'inceste. Le point central du groupe Non Grata est d'ordre éthique - l'image du primitivisme - impersonnalité et créativité expérimentale.
Leurs performances se déroulent selon une méthode évitant les codes, à partir de textes physiques dont les modes orthographiques et lexiques sont maintenus dans les limites de l'action réelle. Défis esthétiques et provocateurs dans les lieux où le monde de l'art ne fonctionne pas.